Photography by Jane Stillwell
My first camera was in the mid 1950's - a Kodak Brownie 127! The results were pretty awful but this early beginning has given me a long relationship with several cameras, albeit with little knowledge of the physics of how they work. Digital cameras opened a whole new world of possibilites and encouraged me learn more and to try different representational photographic techniques including macro and landscape. I have had several exhibitions and have participated in Oxfordshire Artweeks for several years. Over the last year I have entered the photographic world of creative abstraction with all its exciting possibilities. Techniques involve composing in camera using multiple exposures with intentional camera movement followed by editing in Photoshop. I use a Canon 5D Mk 4 camera with various lenses and print all my own images.I have a home studio which you are welcome to visit by appointment.
Next Event
Oxfordshire Artweeks
17/05/2025 - 26/05/2025
I will be exhibiting at Temple Mill in Sibford Gower and Wise Investment near Chipping Norton